Monday, February 5, 2007

Sometimes God Will Answer a Prayer...

There's a guy I work with. He's a pretty good guy, though i had to work really hard to get to that conclusion. He used to drive me up the wall, and I looked forward to the days that he would be gone. Now, I mostly enjoy his company, though there are still a few times that he will bug me. Overall though, we've become good work buddies. We talk, we share food (mostly he brings me leftovers that his wife makes. Good stuff).

Well, our store's inventory is in May. Was in May. Anyways, was in May, and Kenny had preregistered for an out of country trip several months ago. Way before we knew when inventory was. Kenny knew that when he got his confirmation back, that the trip would be slotted for sometime in May, though he didn't know when, nor did he have any kind of direct control of this. Kenny figured he would be in the clear seeing as how last year, and the year before that inventory was in March. Turns out his trip was going to come up the week of inventory. The company has a policy that you can't take any days off (apart from your normal ones) the week of inventory, and everyone has to work mandatory overtime for inventory. It's mostly crappy because four people could get the whole thing done pretty quickly if they wouldn't use this stupid 3rd person system that they use. That's not the content of this blog however.

So Kenny was sweating bullets. He had put 600 into this trip for himself and his wife, an additional 600 for his mother in-law. He was already in for 1200 bucks for this trip, and he hadn't left yet. So, he presented his case to our manager hoping that he would be sympathetic. No go. He talked to the boss's boss. Still no go. He exhausted every route he could, so Kenny was planning to quit. I don't blame him. 1200 dollars is a lot to throw away on an imaginary trip.
When Kenny told me, I felt disheartened for him right away. I made off to the bathroom and sat on the floor and said a prayer. I felt a little sullen the rest of the day.

So, today I find out that the store in Colorado Springs is being downsized. The store is being reduced to half its size. As far as I know, that's the extent of this downsizing. No one's losing their job, their just making the store more manageable for the existing staff. So the store's being downsized in March, their inventory is in April. The manager's certain that he won't have the store in serviceable condition by then, so he asked our manager to switch dates with him. Our inventory is in April now instead of May, and Kenny gets to go on his vacation and keep his job.
It made me happy.

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